GEMINI site visit in Helsingborg

Valuable insights and ideas for enhancing micromobility

GEMINI site visit in Helsingborg

GEMINI site visit in Helsingborg 600 383 Gemini

As part for the upscaling of the Greater Copenhagen Mobility Living Lab in Rudersdal Municipality the Danish GEMINI-team, Kia, Mathias, Romeo and Søren took a short study trip to visit Erik, who works as a city planner in the regional twinning location Helsingborg Stad. It was the first visit to learn more about how shared mobility are rolled out in the Swedish harbor city.

Helsingborg is located on the other side of Oresund just a short ferry ride from the Danish city Helsingor (Elsinore) also know the City of Hamlet because of the castle Kronborg that inspired William Shakespeare to write his famous play about a Danish prince.

And because there is a close connection with a lot of daily commuters between Helsingor and Helsingborg two city planners, Carina and Thomas from Helsingor was joining the study trip to get a common understanding of how a scale up of shared micro mobility could be a reality, when you cross the Swedish/Danish in your daily commute.

Helsingborg is Sweden’s eighth largest city. The municipality has a population of 147.734 and they have approx. 1.500 e-scooters in their city operated by TIER and VOI. Surprisingly there are no shared bikes at the moment in the city. Also car sharing is very limited to a few private car clubs in some neighborhoods.

The visit paid off with good talks of the similarities and differences between Rudersdal and Helsingborg – and a city tour gave more knowledge about the physical layout of the racks with e-scooters, how they are organized and used by the citizens. This gave good inspiration for the hubs, that are to be established in Rudersdal in summer 2024. There were also good discussions about which datasets there are important to collect and share among both private and public stakeholders. Next steps will be further details how Rudersdal, Helsingborg and maybe Helsingor can co-create and develop hubs and attract more car users to combine public transit (+ferry rides) and micro mobility.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Innovation Actions programme under Grant agreement No. 10110380.  The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Agency nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

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