
Plenary – NMS Business Model Scenarios and Evaluation Frameworks

On 4th of June, the GEMINI project hosts its first open MLL exchange and plenary session. As the first year of GEMINI is nearing completion, we are excited to share our first results and exchange with partners from CIVITAS NMS cluster projects and beyond.
The plenary session dives into the GEMINI project’s findings from Work Packages 1 and 2. It will explore innovative concepts and business models for next-generation NMS in urban and peri-urban contexts. Additionally, it will identify possible threats when implementing smart mobility services and give requirements for effective data protection based on reported examples. Furthermore, guidelines and tools for considering user and community acceptance throughout the design and implementation of NMS will be presented.

Join the session virtually (Teams link)

4 June 2024

13:00-15:00 UCT, 14:00-16:00 CEST

GEMINI General Assembly

Impact Assessment Workshop

The workshop is organised by WP2 and the City of Amsterdam where WP1, WP2 and the GEMINI MLLs came together to exchange MLL concepts, business models and KPIs.

9-10 November 2023

Urban Mobility Days 2023

Urban Mobility Days will bring together politicians, local authorities, industry, and urban transport practitioners with the European Commission to connect, share and discuss the path forward for a sustainable, innovative, and equitable future for Europe’s urban mobility

4-6 OCTOBER 2023

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Innovation Actions programme under Grant agreement No. 10110380.  The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Agency nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

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