Discovering GEMINI’s MLL Copenhagen

Multimodal mobility hubs in Greater Copenhagen peri-urban context

Discovering GEMINI’s MLL Copenhagen

Discovering GEMINI’s MLL Copenhagen 1920 1580 Gemini

The concept on which the Mobility Living Lab (MLL) is based on strengthen of the existing public transport by operating multimodal mobility hubs with mixed use of different new mobility services in peri-urban settings. The grids of the hubs will support integration of public transport (PT) with shared mobility modes, improving accessibility and flexibility, and contributing to the change of the current modal split towards more inclusive and sustainable transport modes.

Greater Copenhagen (GC) is the densest region in Denmark with 1,8 mio. inhabitants in 2,568 km2 and comprises 29 municipalities, including the pilot area of Rudersdal Municipal covering an area of 73,36 km2. The MLL site is located approximately 20km north of central Copenhagen which is connected to Rudersdal by a regional train service, two local train services (S-train) and a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line. The municipality has one of the highest car ownerships in Denmark. The municipality comprises 10 communities, each with their own characteristics and groups of potential users.

The intention is to increase the awareness of public transport opportunities and the fact that there are well functional infrastructure for bikes and e-scooters and find out how the New and Shared Mobility Services (NMS) could kickstart a change in mobility habits and reduce car ownership for households with more than one car or give access to a shared vehicle for the households without ownership to a car.

MLL Objectives – Ambition: The main objective of the MLL is to connect/extend the existing shared mobility services in Copenhagen to Rudersdal, providing a range of shared mobility services to support users’ needs, primarily in relation to activities such as recreation, sports, shopping, and cultural activities. Six locations in Rudersdal have been selected, including the main cultural, health and retail centers and business parks within the municipal borders. The MLL will explore and define how to build mobility hubs and clear pick off and drop zones for the shared vehicles. This will include close cooperation and co-creation between public and private actors. The solutions developed in the MLL will be tailored to the needs of local communities, identifying the structure, governance, and business models for a broader roll-out of the concept in similar peri-urban environments in the Capital Region of Denmark.

In November, they organized a GEMINI kick-off meeting and local workshop in Holte (Rudersdal Municipality), open to politicians, stakeholders and the mobility living lab partners.

Furthermore, part of the team of the Greater Copenhagen Mobility Living Lab in Rudersdal Municipality, took a short study trip in December, to visit Erik, who works as a city planner in the regional twinning location Helsingborg Stad. It was the first visit to learn more about how shared mobility are rolled out in the Swedish harbor city

Picture 1-3: mock-up design about a mobility hub

Picture 2: MLL-team

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Innovation Actions programme under Grant agreement No. 10110380.  The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Agency nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

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